Kaitiakitanga Supervision Network
Nau mai, haere mai!
A warm welcome to all those with a heart for Kaitiakitanga and Supervision. E te whānau whanui, haere mai. To those of you who have worked in this space for many years, and to those of you just starting to explore, haere mai. We have formed a network, one founded 'i te timatanga', from the beginning, on honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and a commitment to living and working biculturally in Aotearoa. This conversation began in 2024 with a diverse community linked by the Bible and Treaty facebook page, discussing 'Decolonising Supervision', and has grown as others have connected in. This web page is created by Silvia Purdie, as a way to draw together the many threads and enable inclusive and informed discussion. Please email Silvia if you have any suggestions, or material to add in: [email protected] He aha tēnei? What is Supervision?
Ko te Kaitiakitanga he momo mana hei hāpai ake te mana o tēnā, o tēnā. Supervision is a form of leadership that seeks to raise up the leadership of others. |
Supervision Hui: Monday 10 March
9.30am - 12.30pm, Manukau New Life Church, Manurewa. Cultural Perspectives on Supervision All welcome. Register here: events.humanitix.com/supervision-hui Sign up to receive email updates |
Kaiako: Training providers
ABACUS Counselling, Training & Supervision Ltd
Ara Institute of Canterbury
Auckland University, Waipapa Taumata Rau
Baptist Centre for Lifelong Learning
CAIRA: Professional Pastoral Supervision
Compass Seminars
CPE: Clinical Pastoral Education
EIT: Eastern Institute of Technology, Te Aho a Māui
Fiona Howard
Laidlaw College, Te Wananga Amorangi
Learning Cloud is an Australian company offering online courses, including one on Professional Supervision. I (Silvia) have done this course and do not recommend it. It is expensive and of poor quality.
Manukau Institute of Technology, Te Whare Takiura o Manukau
Massey University, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa
Mindfix: Helen Austin
NMIT: Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology
NZCMC: New Zealand Coaching and Mentoring Centre
Purposeful Peer Support Aotearoa: Te Whakaoranga mā te Taunaki Aropā
Te Pou
Te Wananga o Aotearoa
Wintec: Waikato Institute of Technology
- Certificate of Addiction and Mental Health Supervision (NZQA Level 6)
Ara Institute of Canterbury
- Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Supervision
Auckland University, Waipapa Taumata Rau
- Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Supervision
- Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Supervision
- Master of Professional Supervision
Baptist Centre for Lifelong Learning
- Ministry supervision training (NZQA Micro-credential)
CAIRA: Professional Pastoral Supervision
- Part-time 2-year training programme, faith-based
Compass Seminars
- Supervision (2-day workshop): Building Strengths, Developing Competencies
CPE: Clinical Pastoral Education
- Chaplaincy-based supervision block courses
EIT: Eastern Institute of Technology, Te Aho a Māui
- Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Supervision (Level 8)
Fiona Howard
- offers a range of 1-2-day workshops
Laidlaw College, Te Wananga Amorangi
- Postgraduate Certificate in Theology (Ministry Supervision) (Level 8)
Learning Cloud is an Australian company offering online courses, including one on Professional Supervision. I (Silvia) have done this course and do not recommend it. It is expensive and of poor quality.
Manukau Institute of Technology, Te Whare Takiura o Manukau
- Graduate Certificate in Cross Cultural Supervision (Level 7)
Massey University, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa
- Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Supervision (Level 8)
Mindfix: Helen Austin
- 3 Day In Person Workshop for Supervisors - "Supervision Skills for Helping Professionals"
NMIT: Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology
- Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Supervision (Level 8)
NZCMC: New Zealand Coaching and Mentoring Centre
- Supervision Skills for Health & Social Service Professionals (NZQA Micro-credential 5 credits at level 5)
- In-house training for organisations
Purposeful Peer Support Aotearoa: Te Whakaoranga mā te Taunaki Aropā
- Reflective Practice training for peer workers
Te Pou
- Developing a series of e-modules on Reflective Practice
Te Wananga o Aotearoa
- Kaitiakitanga - Postgraduate Diploma in Bicultural Professional Supervision (Level 8)
- A short course on-line PD, 12 hours, costing $132
Wintec: Waikato Institute of Technology
- Introduction to Supervision (Level 7)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Supervision (Level 8)
Rōpu: Organisations who use supervision |
Note: These organisations share an understanding of professional/clinical supervision as reflective practice conversations. Other organisations use 'supervision' for management or monitoring, e.g. Corrections supervision of prisoners on probation, academic post-graduate supervisors, or supervised access for children in custody conflicts.
ACC: Accident Compensation Corporation
ACC does not contract supervisors directly but does have rules about the requirement of supervision for all therapists contracted by ACC.
ACSD: Association of Christian Spiritual Directors
:It is a requirement for membership of the Association of Christian Spiritual Directors Inc. that all members have regular supervision for their spiritual direction practice."
Anglican Church
This varies between Dioceses. For example, the Code of ethics of the Diocese of Wellington asks that ministers "will recognise their need for regular supervision and spiritual direction to maintain a high standard of ministry, and will make their own arrangements to secure this."
ANZASW: Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers
"Supervision plays an important role in supporting social workers by enabling safe practice and encouraging professional growth so that we can continue to support whānau and communities in the important mahi that we do."
Supervision Strategy: www.anzasw.nz/advocacy/anzasw-supervision-strategy/
Ara Taiohi: Peak body for youth development
Korowai Tupu is the Professional Association for Youth Work in Aotearoa. Their Code of Ethics includes:
"22. Kaitiakitanga | Supervision
22.1: Youth workers actively participate in regular supervision (such as individual, group, peer, or team supervision) with skilled supervisors.
22.2: Supervision should be resourced and initiated by the youth worker’s organisation. Youth workers have the right to negotiate who their supervisor/s are, and to identify specific areas of expertise that would benefit the young people they work with."
Baptist Churches of NZ, Te Hāhi Iriiri o Aotearoa
From 2025 all Baptist Pastors will be required to have External Supervision Support.
Chaplaincy NZ
Dapaanz: Addiction Practitioners Association Aotearoa New Zealand
"Clinical supervision is crucial for practitioners engaged in addiction practice."
"Supervision, cultural supervision or advice when working with Pasifika families is essential for cultural safety."
Music Therapy New Zealand
Supervision is required for registered Music Therapists.
Ngā Pou Mana
"We are a national organisation representing the Tangata Whenua allied health workforce. Ngā Pou Mana envision transforming Māori health and wellbeing through courageous Māori leadership."
"Provide training, supervision and mentoring to develop cultural and clinical practice."
NZACAP: New Zealand Association of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists
NZCCP: New Zealand Council of Clinical Psychologists
'What is supervision?': www.nzccp.co.nz/for-the-public/what/what-is-supervision/
NZFTI: New Zealand Family and Whānau Therapy Institute
NZNO: Nurses Organisation, Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa
"NZNO’s position statement recommends professional and clinical supervision as being essential for all nurses and midwives and should be available and accessible to them."
NZ Psychologists Board, Te Poari Kaimātai Hinengaro o Aotearoa
- the regulatory authority in respect of the profession of psychology.
Policy: "The Board expects all practising psychologists to engage in supervision, regardless of the stage of their career and work settings."
NZSTA: New Zealand Speech-language Therapists Association
OTBZN: Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand, Te Poari Whakaora Ngangahau o Aotearoa
"Supervision is considered a critical component of continuing competence by OTBNZ, and is therefore incorporated into the practice of all occupational therapists."
Requirements: www.otboard.org.nz/document/4786/Supervision-Requirements-for-Occupational-Therapists.pdf
PBANZ: Psychotherapists Board of Aotearoa New Zealand
"All psychotherapists will undertake regular clinical psychotherapy supervision. Additional supervision such as workplace, cultural and other specialist supervision may be undertaken as well as clinical supervision."
Psychotherapist Supervision: pbanz.org.nz/common/Uploaded%20files/Policies/Psychotherapist%20supervision.pdf
Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand
"All paid ministry staff in the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand are required to have regular, intentional, and external supervision."
Supervision Guidelines: www.presbyterian.org.nz/sites/default/files/SUPERVISION%20GUIDELINES%202021%20revision.pdf
RANZCP: Royal Australia New Zealand College of Psychiatry
Supervisor Manual: www.ranzcp.org/getmedia/e750576b-a8af-4156-b235-3d6edec79156/supervisor-manual.pdf
Social Workers Registration Board: Kāhui Whakamana Tauwhiro
"Supervision is central to the practice of social work. It is a professional, relational process between supervisor and supervisee which enables reflective critical analysis and underpins quality social work services."
Code of Conduct in Practice #3: Social Work Supervision:
Supervision Collective Aotearoa
"Join us to meet supervisors who, like you, want to stretch their practice and their networks." $65 annual membership.
Te Ao Māramatanga: New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses
- including Māori caucus
Te Pou
Te Pou is a national centre of evidence-informed workforce development for the mental health, addiction, and disability sectors in New Zealand.
"Supervision is an important component of professional practice development that helps to ensure ethical, quality service provision to service users and tangata whai ora who access health services. Supervision is key to enabling the mental health and addiction workforce to effectively translate new knowledge into practice."
Te Rau Ora
Aims to increase access to financial support, pastoral care, and cultural supervision for Māori Health, Mental Health and the Addiction Sector.
Provides training and support to the infant, child, adolescent and youth mental health and alcohol and other addictions sector.
"Supervision is a crucial element for youth lived experience workers in the mental health and addiction sector."
ACC does not contract supervisors directly but does have rules about the requirement of supervision for all therapists contracted by ACC.
ACSD: Association of Christian Spiritual Directors
:It is a requirement for membership of the Association of Christian Spiritual Directors Inc. that all members have regular supervision for their spiritual direction practice."
Anglican Church
This varies between Dioceses. For example, the Code of ethics of the Diocese of Wellington asks that ministers "will recognise their need for regular supervision and spiritual direction to maintain a high standard of ministry, and will make their own arrangements to secure this."
ANZASW: Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers
"Supervision plays an important role in supporting social workers by enabling safe practice and encouraging professional growth so that we can continue to support whānau and communities in the important mahi that we do."
Supervision Strategy: www.anzasw.nz/advocacy/anzasw-supervision-strategy/
Ara Taiohi: Peak body for youth development
Korowai Tupu is the Professional Association for Youth Work in Aotearoa. Their Code of Ethics includes:
"22. Kaitiakitanga | Supervision
22.1: Youth workers actively participate in regular supervision (such as individual, group, peer, or team supervision) with skilled supervisors.
22.2: Supervision should be resourced and initiated by the youth worker’s organisation. Youth workers have the right to negotiate who their supervisor/s are, and to identify specific areas of expertise that would benefit the young people they work with."
Baptist Churches of NZ, Te Hāhi Iriiri o Aotearoa
From 2025 all Baptist Pastors will be required to have External Supervision Support.
Chaplaincy NZ
Dapaanz: Addiction Practitioners Association Aotearoa New Zealand
"Clinical supervision is crucial for practitioners engaged in addiction practice."
"Supervision, cultural supervision or advice when working with Pasifika families is essential for cultural safety."
Music Therapy New Zealand
Supervision is required for registered Music Therapists.
Ngā Pou Mana
"We are a national organisation representing the Tangata Whenua allied health workforce. Ngā Pou Mana envision transforming Māori health and wellbeing through courageous Māori leadership."
"Provide training, supervision and mentoring to develop cultural and clinical practice."
NZACAP: New Zealand Association of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists
NZCCP: New Zealand Council of Clinical Psychologists
'What is supervision?': www.nzccp.co.nz/for-the-public/what/what-is-supervision/
NZFTI: New Zealand Family and Whānau Therapy Institute
NZNO: Nurses Organisation, Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa
"NZNO’s position statement recommends professional and clinical supervision as being essential for all nurses and midwives and should be available and accessible to them."
NZ Psychologists Board, Te Poari Kaimātai Hinengaro o Aotearoa
- the regulatory authority in respect of the profession of psychology.
Policy: "The Board expects all practising psychologists to engage in supervision, regardless of the stage of their career and work settings."
NZSTA: New Zealand Speech-language Therapists Association
OTBZN: Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand, Te Poari Whakaora Ngangahau o Aotearoa
"Supervision is considered a critical component of continuing competence by OTBNZ, and is therefore incorporated into the practice of all occupational therapists."
Requirements: www.otboard.org.nz/document/4786/Supervision-Requirements-for-Occupational-Therapists.pdf
PBANZ: Psychotherapists Board of Aotearoa New Zealand
"All psychotherapists will undertake regular clinical psychotherapy supervision. Additional supervision such as workplace, cultural and other specialist supervision may be undertaken as well as clinical supervision."
Psychotherapist Supervision: pbanz.org.nz/common/Uploaded%20files/Policies/Psychotherapist%20supervision.pdf
Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand
"All paid ministry staff in the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand are required to have regular, intentional, and external supervision."
Supervision Guidelines: www.presbyterian.org.nz/sites/default/files/SUPERVISION%20GUIDELINES%202021%20revision.pdf
RANZCP: Royal Australia New Zealand College of Psychiatry
Supervisor Manual: www.ranzcp.org/getmedia/e750576b-a8af-4156-b235-3d6edec79156/supervisor-manual.pdf
Social Workers Registration Board: Kāhui Whakamana Tauwhiro
"Supervision is central to the practice of social work. It is a professional, relational process between supervisor and supervisee which enables reflective critical analysis and underpins quality social work services."
Code of Conduct in Practice #3: Social Work Supervision:
Supervision Collective Aotearoa
"Join us to meet supervisors who, like you, want to stretch their practice and their networks." $65 annual membership.
Te Ao Māramatanga: New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses
- including Māori caucus
Te Pou
Te Pou is a national centre of evidence-informed workforce development for the mental health, addiction, and disability sectors in New Zealand.
"Supervision is an important component of professional practice development that helps to ensure ethical, quality service provision to service users and tangata whai ora who access health services. Supervision is key to enabling the mental health and addiction workforce to effectively translate new knowledge into practice."
Te Rau Ora
Aims to increase access to financial support, pastoral care, and cultural supervision for Māori Health, Mental Health and the Addiction Sector.
Provides training and support to the infant, child, adolescent and youth mental health and alcohol and other addictions sector.
"Supervision is a crucial element for youth lived experience workers in the mental health and addiction sector."
Supervisor Directories
- ANZACATA: Australia New Zealand Art & Creative Therapies Association (approx 10): anzacata.org/find-a-supervisor
- ANZASW: community.anzasw.nz/network/find-a-supervisor
- Ara Taiohi (approx 120): arataiohi.org.nz/career/supervision/find-a-supervisor/
- Baptist Union Approved Supervisors (approx 100): www.lifelonglearning.nz/baptist-registration/supervision-directory/
- CAIRA (approx 25): caira.org.nz/find-a-supervisor/
- Dapaanz Accredited Supervisors (approx 500): dapaanz.org.nz/membership/member-directory/#/cid/1219/id/201
- NZAC (approx 1,650): nzac.in1touch.org/client/roster/clientRosterView.html?clientRosterId=683
- NZCCA (approx 100): nzcca.org.nz/find-a-supervisor/
- SEWN: Social Equity & Wellbeing Network (approx 50): supervisioninfo.org.nz
Rauemi: Resources |
Note: All resources listed here have been produced in Aotearoa, and are freely available.
KaitiakitangaKaitiakitanga: A transformation of supervision
nā Emma Webber-Dreadon ANZASW, 2020 anzswjournal.nz/anzsw/article/view/770 This article explores Māori social work supervision in Aotearoa New Zealand, from cultural, iwi, hapū and whānau perspectives. It describes an emerging model of kaitiakitanga (supervision) entitled “He Maunga, He Tangata, He Tapu, He Kahu.” A Kaupapa Māori supervision context – cultural and professional nā Jacquelyn Elkington (ANZASW, Vol. 26 No. 1, 2014: Te Kōmako) anzswjournal.nz/anzsw/article/view/56 Te Ara Tauwhaiti - Kaupapa Māori supervision pathway for programme facilitators (Practice Journal, 2018) nā Ana Ngamoki www.corrections.govt.nz/resources/research/journal/volume_6_issue_2_november_2018/te_ara_tauwhaiti_-_kaupapa_mori_supervision_pathway_for_programme_facilitators Bicultural Resources collated by the NZ Psychological Society, including 'Information and Perspectives on Māori Psychology and Health Issues', and 'Cultural Competence Resources' www.psychology.org.nz/nga-kete/bicultural-resources Pasifika Resources www.psychology.org.nz/nga-kete/pasifika-resources Te Pou: A range of resources for nursing, health and care workers www.tepou.co.nz/initiatives/supervision A recent report on training: 'Supervision skills training for Mental Health Nurses' www.tepou.co.nz/resources/supervision-skills-training-for-mental-health-nurses-evaluation-report Radio interview with the first graduate of Auckland's Masters in Prof Sup: kanivatonga.co.nz/2024/05/first-master-in-professional-supervision-graduate-is-proud-papakura-boy/feleti-lotulelei-master-of-supervision-prac/ Bicultural and Tiriti ResourcesTihei-wā - Mauri Ora: Kaupapa Māori Model of Practice
The kaupapa of this framework is in the 'knowing' that the Maori worldview holds the knowledge for Māori to make sense of their own existence and life to begin their own healing journey. Founded by Teina Piripi and Vivienne Body. tihei-wamauriora.mystrikingly.com/ Meihana Model Suzanne Pitama leads at Otakau/Otago University: 'A Proposed Hauora Māori Clinical Guide For Psychologists: Using The Hui Process And Meihana Model In Clinical Assessment And Formulation' hauora-maori-clinical-guide-for-psychologists.pdf 'Improving Māori health through clinical assessment: Waikare o te Waka o Meihana' improving_maori_health_through_clinical_assessment_meihana_pitama.pdf Lecture on Meihana method: www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJxLMF7UTak&t=311s Te Tiriti Principles in Action
Te Ara Hāro makes this statement about Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles in relation to their work: We are committed to ensuring Te Tiriti o Waitangi is instilled into the values of our Centre. Our work is guided by the following principles:
Pasifika ResourcesTeacher Supervision ‘A Dilemma for Samoa’: The Issue of Cultural Relativity in the Supervision Literature. (Journal of Samoan Studies, 2021) by Rasela Tufue-Dolgoy "a snapshot of how supervision is applied in Samoa from the teacher supervisors’ perspective [and] discussion on the notion of cultural relativism as it relates to supervision within the Samoan context" ... "the very hierarchical nature of the Samoan culture has greatly influenced individuals’ paradigms and mindset as reflected in this authoritarian approach, and changing one’s cultural values and belief system is not always an easy." journalofsamoanstudies.ws/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/JSS_Vol11_No2_2021-Teacher-Supervision-A-Dilemma-for-Samoa-The-Issue-of-Cultural-Relativity-in-the-Supervision-Literature.pdf ‘Vā’ Spaces Fostering a Communal Model of Supervision in a Cross-Cultural Setting, by Kamaloni Tu’iono (Doctor of Ministry thesis) "The relational space for Pasifika or moana communities is the vā. ... but a space that relates, that holds separate entities and thingsto gether. In order to have an effective understanding of this space, we must first seek to understand the role of the vā in a Pacific worldview. It is only through this much larger understanding that the prospective supervisor will be able to be empathetic and competent." researchoutput.csu.edu.au/ws/portalfiles/portal/247164617/KT_complete_copy_of_my_Thesis_19_9_2022.pdf Supervision Resources for specific fields of practiceAronui: Supervision guide for addiction practitioners, supervisors and managers (Dapaanz, 2014)
dapaanz.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/aronui-addiction-supervision-guide-web.pdf Supervision Toolkit (Ngā Whāraurau) www.wharaurau.org.nz/all-resources/karangatahi-supervision-toolkit Supervision Scrapbook: A resource for youth workers and anyone working with young people (Ara Taiohi) arataiohi.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/J001136-Ara-Taiohi_Supervision-Scrapbook_lr-single-pages.pdf 'Supervision for superheroes: the case for reflective professional supervision for senior doctors' (NZMJ 6 May 2016, Vol 129 No 1434), by Helen Austin mindfix.nz/ The Role of Supervision in Art Therapy Practice arttherapyresources.com.au/supervision/ Publications by The Project Team: theprojectteam.co.nz/about-the-project-team/publications/ Resources for child therapy: nzacap.org.nz/resources-for-clinicians/ BooksRestorying Social Work Supervision, by Kieran O'Donoghue /Users/silviapurdie/Downloads/RestoryingSocialWorkSupervisionebook.pdf Relevant findings of the Royal Commission into Abuse in Care.
The Whanaketia report: a) specifically recommends professional independent supervision for all those in faith-based contexts who work with children Recommendation 96 of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care (Whaneketia, Part 9, Chapter 6): "All faith-based entities should ensure that all people in religious or pastoral ministry, including religious leaders, have professional supervision with a trained professional or pastoral supervisor who has a degree of independence from the institution within which the person is in ministry." https://www.abuseincare.org.nz/reports/whanaketia/part-9/chapter-6/ b) strongly advocates for professional registration for those working with children, and those supporting kaimahi (Part 9, Chapter 5): Me rēhita ngā kaimahi me ngā kaiārahi Staff and care workers must be registered 346. "It is critical to ensure all staff and care workers are covered by an appropriate registration scheme. It also provides an additional safeguard to prevent abusers from working with children, young people and adults in care. A consistent system of professional registration will also better enable the provision of specialised support, education, training and professional development opportunities to for staff to work effectively, provide safe care environments and improve career satisfaction." While this does not specifically require that professional supervisors belong to a professional body, it is a strong signal that this is the direction that the sector as a whole is moving. |
Overseas Supervision Organisations
AAOS: Australasian Association of Supervisors
"the Australasian association at the forefront of developing educational and ethical standards for supervision in the professions of counselling, psychotherapy, pastoral practice, psychology, coaching, social work and related disciplines."
Australian Clinical Supervision Association
"Members of ACSA are professionals who love clinical supervision. Together, we form a strong, unified voice that advocates for excellent professional practice while supporting all those around us."
Clinical Supervision Research Collaborative
"A community of supervision researchers and practitioners who share, collaborate, learn, and consult with each other."
"the Australasian association at the forefront of developing educational and ethical standards for supervision in the professions of counselling, psychotherapy, pastoral practice, psychology, coaching, social work and related disciplines."
Australian Clinical Supervision Association
"Members of ACSA are professionals who love clinical supervision. Together, we form a strong, unified voice that advocates for excellent professional practice while supporting all those around us."
Clinical Supervision Research Collaborative
"A community of supervision researchers and practitioners who share, collaborate, learn, and consult with each other."