Silvia Purdie ...
is a minister, author and climate activist as well as a counsellor and supervisor.
Her husband is a military chaplain, and their kids are 'all grown up' now.
Professional Memberships:
Silvia is a Provisional Member of the New Zealand Christian Counsellors' Association
and holds a Certificate of Good Standing as a Nationally Ordained Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand.
is a minister, author and climate activist as well as a counsellor and supervisor.
Her husband is a military chaplain, and their kids are 'all grown up' now.
Professional Memberships:
Silvia is a Provisional Member of the New Zealand Christian Counsellors' Association
and holds a Certificate of Good Standing as a Nationally Ordained Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Other Work:
She is part of A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand ( and promotes Eco Church NZ (www.ecochurch. She has established Place Consultancy as a resource base for the community sector to address climate change ( Creation Care and faith resourcing website: |
Ka mihi nui ki te Atua kaha rawa, te kaihanga o te Ao katoa Ka mihi ki te Wairua Tapu, te puna o te ora katoa Ka mihi ki te Ariki, Ihu Karaiti, te piringa o te ngakau Ko Tararua te maunga Ko Awakairangi te awa. Ko Maungarongo te marae. Ko Pirihipitiriana te hāhi. Nō Ingarani tōku whanau. Ko Zealandia te waka. Ko Ayers te hapū. I whakatau rātou i Rangiora. Ko Chris tāku hoa tane Ko Daniel, rātou ko Jessica, ko Nora, ko Ben ōku tamariki Ko Silvia Purdie tōku ingoa. |
Qualifications Reverend Silvia Ellen Purdie Post Graduate Diploma in Theology (University of Otago) Bachelor of Arts (Victoria University, Wellington) Bachelor of Theology (University of Otago) Diploma in Ministry (PCANZ) Diploma Counselling, Applied (Central Institute of Technology) Diploma Child & Adolescent Psychology (Open Polyptech) Certificate in Te Reo Māori (Whare Wānanga o Raukawa) Certificate in Professional Supervision (Learning Cloud) Other Training